Name: I Gusti Ngurah Thierry
NIM: 12410100096
Class: P3
A phrase is a group of related words that lacks both a
subject and a predicate. Because it a subject and a predicate it cannot act as
a sentence.
A phrase typically functions as a single part of speech in a
sentence (e.g., noun, adiecli e. Adverb).
are four types of phrases:
1. Prepositional
phrases, which begin with a preposition and include the object of the preposition.
2. Participial
phrases, which begin with the participle and include the object of the
participle or other words that are connected to the noun by the participle.
3. Gerund phrases,
which begin with the gerund and include the object of the gerund or other words
that are acting as the complete subject or complete object.
4. Infinitive
phrases, which begin with an infinitive and include the object of the
infinitive or other words that are acting as part of the phrase.