Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Resume Managemen Umum 8-14

Nama :  I Gusti Ngurah Thierry Agusta
NIM   : 1241010096
Kelas  : Q3
Resume Managemen Umum 8-14


Personalia Organisasi:
Fungsi manajemen yang berkenaan dengan penarikan, penempatan, pemberian latihan dan pengembangan anggota-anggota organisasi.

Merupakan nilai organisasi: membuat organisasi berkinerja tinggi dengan SDM yang memiliki  kinerja tinggi.

Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

Resume B.Inggris= Punctuation

Name: I Gusti Ngurah Thierry

NIM: 12410100096

Class: P3


Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences.
You use punctuation marks to structure and organise your writing. The most common of these are the period (or full stop in British English), the comma, the exclamation mark, the question mark, the colon and semi-colon, the quote, the apostrophe, the hyphen and dash, and parentheses and brackets. Capital letters are also used to help us organise meaning and to structure the sense of our writing. 

Resume B.Inggris= CONJUNCTION

Name: I Gusti Ngurah Thierry

NIM: 12410100096

Class: P3


Some words are satisfied spending an evening at home, alone, eating ice-cream right out of the
box, watching Seinfeld re-runs on TV, or reading a good book. Others aren't happy unless they're
out on the town, mixing it up with other words; they're joiners and they just can't help themselves.
A conjunction is a joiner, a word that connects (conjoins) parts of a sentence.
You can use a conjunction to link words, phrases, and clauses, as in the following example:
I ate the pizza and the pasta.
Call the movers when you are ready.


Name: I Gusti Ngurah Thierry

NIM: 12410100096

Class: P3



The subject of a sentence is the noun---or word group acting as a noun---that performs the action expressed in the predicate of a sentence or clause. The subject may be one word: Sally loves chocolate. The subject may be in a noun phrase:
    Seeing the parade was exciting.
    The black and white dog was barking fiercely at the stranger.

Resume B.Inggris= PHRASES

Name: I Gusti Ngurah Thierry

NIM: 12410100096

Class: P3


A phrase is a group of related words that lacks both a subject and a predicate. Because it a subject and a predicate it cannot act as a sentence.
A phrase typically functions as a single part of speech in a sentence (e.g., noun, adiecli e. Adverb). 
There are four types of phrases:
1.    Prepositional phrases, which begin with a preposition and include the object of the preposition.
2.    Participial phrases, which begin with the participle and include the object of the participle or other words that are connected to the noun by the participle.
3.    Gerund phrases, which begin with the gerund and include the object of the gerund or other words that are acting as the complete subject or complete object.
4.    Infinitive phrases, which begin with an infinitive and include the object of the infinitive or other words that are acting as part of the phrase.

Resume B.Inggris= ARTICLES

Name: I Gusti Ngurah Thierry

NIM: 12410100096

Class: P3

Definition of articles
English has two types of articles: definite (the) and indefinite (a, an.) The use of these articles
depends mainly on whether you are referring to any member of a group, or to a specific member
of a group:


Name: I Gusti Ngurah Thierry

NIM: 12410100096

Class: P3


Subject-verb agreement berarti kesesuain verb (kata kerja) dan subjek. Ingat bahwa subject dan verb dalam sebuah kalimat harus sesuai (agree). Subjek yang tunggal (singular subject) harus bertemu dengan kata kerja tunggal pula (singular verb); subjek jamak (plural subject) harus bertemu dengan kata kerja yang jamak (plural verb).

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Membuat Tombol Shutdown Dan Restart Pada Windows 8!!

Seperti yang kita tahu sob kalau proses shutdown maupun restart pada windows 8 tersembunyi dan cukup menyulitkan bagi sebagian orang. Berbeda dengan windows 7 yang terlihat jelas dan mudah dilakukan. Adakah cara lebih singkat untuk shutdown dan restart pada windows 8? Jawabannya bisa sob yaitu dengan membuat tombol shortcut yang berfungsi untuk mematikan/shutdown atau merestart. Cara ini dapat mempermudah sobat untuk mematikan maupun merestart windows 8 sobat hanya dengan satu kali klik. Penasaran sob?

Cara Buat Tombol Shutdown Dan Restart Pada Windows 8 sebenarnya cukup mudah yaitu dengan memanfaatkan command shutdown yang terdapat pada windows 8. Adapun langkah-langkah untuk membuat tombol shutdown dan restart pada windows 8 adalah sebagai berikut: